
Thresholds of the Soul Coaching

Nick Kettles

Nick is a Master Certified Coach, and healer of 25 years experience in the human potential movement. He is known for his skill in guiding his clients to compassionately embrace the full expression of their humanity, especially those parts they have marginalised or placed into the shadow.
In a desire to escape an awkward and painful past, throughout his life, Nick frequently mistook his own adaptive and often reactive life strategies as evidence of a purposeful existence. Today, he delights in finally moving slow enough to discover that our purpose and indeed our spirituality can be found at the heart of our messy humanity. This is his own Threshold of the Soul. It is by moving towards our chaos and mess rather than resisting or trying to control it, that true healing is found.

He created Thresholds of the Soul to provide the space and presence in which others can do the same. He lives in France within sight of the Pyrenees mountains, with his family, who keep his feet on the ground and heart open to possibility.

Other career credentials

  • Personal life and leadership coach since 2006. ICF MCC accreditation.
  • CTI Senior Faculty Member – Fundamentals, Intermediate series; Corporate programs; Certification Program – training 1000s of new coaches and business leaders seeking to leverage the power of coaching skills in the workplace to further their leadership. Organisations worked with include: Mozilla Corp; Burberry; Microsoft; BASF, Roche, Google, IDEO.
  • ACT Leadership and Brown University, Executive Leadership and Team Coaching Faculty member. Both public enrollment and for organisations inc US Government Agencies and US Navy.
  • Designer of adult personal and professional development experiences.
  • Post Graduate Diploma, Integrated Movement and Performance Studies, (combining the Physical Theatre (mask and movement) of Jacques Lecoq, Initiatic and Somatic Therapy of Maria Hippius and Karl Dorkheim, Jungian Psychology, and Alexander Technique), Thomas Prattki Centre, Berlin, and Rose Bruford College, UK
  • Neuro Affective Relational Model (NARM) Institute: NARM Trauma Informed Profession Certification.
  • Leadership Circle Profile Assessment Certified.
  • 20 year practice and study of meditation in the Advaita Vedanta tradition of Shankaracharya.
  • MA in Radio and Television Scriptwriting from Salford University.
  • Former journalist writing for The Guardian, The Independent, The Ecologist, and producer creating radio programs for the BBC.
  • Before becoming a coach Nick worked variously, for 15 years, as an Integrated and Holotropic Breath Therapist, Reiki Healer, and a guide to sacred sites of the British Isles.
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