
Thresholds of the Soul Coaching

Coaching Grief and Loss

While it’s our job as coaches to champion our clients to create their own unique vision of a fulfilled life, its also our job to support them in embracing the fullness of their present life experience.  And, while it is never planned or intended, this can also include the experience of loss.  When we experience the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or a failure to realise an opportunity, grief often follows.  This can be an intense emotion for many, and yet with gentleness and courageous honesty, its transformation is possible, and with that, the opportunity to reconsider our relationship to what has been lost.  With patience, over time, our ability to successfully coach grief and loss, serves our client in helping renew their connection to life and the future they wish to create.  Still have further questions?  Please check out the 4 min video below, or, click here for our FAQs.

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